Eric Migicovsky, the creator of Pebble, is reviving his iconic smartwatch brand after more than eight years since its acquisition by Fitbit, now part of Google. Famous for pioneering wearable technology, Pebble had huge support during its early Kickstarter days. Even though the product was discontinued, Migicovsky never lost faith in the product. Today, his personal Pebble Time Round is still working like a charm, showing how well-built and relevant it is.
Google open sourced the Pebble OS recently and what followed next has been a huge surprise. This is where Migicovsky picks up the mantle and launches his new company; for now, that’s branded as “RePebble,” though the company name is to be decided yet. The vision is to keep going in Pebble’s way and bring about smartwatches similar to those in Pebble which had all its great charm, was simple, efficient, and therefore, loved.
Migicovsky envisions these new devices to retain Pebble’s core strengths: long battery life, e-paper displays, and a straightforward, user-friendly design. “We’re not reinventing Pebble; we’re creating a clone,” he explains. Unlike current smartwatches focusing heavily on health and fitness, the new Pebble will prioritize notifications, music controls, and simplicity.
A revived company, based on a new philosophy. The experiences of the setbacks, such as overstretching due to high investments, had taught Migicovsky lessons in sustainability and independence. His business is self-funded and has a small team, focusing on doing fewer things well and efficiently.
Although the project is only just in its infancy, with Google’s open-source approval finalized only days ago, Migicovsky has already started prototyping hardware. Ultimately, he wants Pebble’s software and hardware to be opened up for developers and hobbyists worldwide to spur innovation across various devices.
Though competition in the smartwatch market, dominated by Apple, Google, and Samsung, remains tough, Migicovsky does not lose sleep over it. “I have tried everything else, and nothing comes close,” he claims. With a blend of nostalgia and forward-thinking, Pebble’s comeback may redefine what it means to wear a smartwatch.
The waitlist for updates can now be accessed on the site “RePebble.” The journey to restore the beloved Pebble is underway, and news of the revival project has already brought excitement among enthusiasts of the original Pebble.