With the launch of Nvidia’s RTX 50 series graphics cards around the corner, recent leaks have been driving gamers and technology enthusiasts wild. The latest tease came directly from Nvidia via a promotional video on its upcoming GeForce LAN 50 event. The video shows off a shadowy PC that will be raffled off during the LAN party, but if one looks closely, the GPU inside actually has a new design that could very well belong to the RTX 50 series lineup.
According to VideoCardz, the GPU in that video doesn’t seem to match any known designs, fueling rumors it could be part of the new RTX 50 series. Nvidia hasn’t officially disclosed what SKUs comprise the series, but given its history, many industry insiders feel a GPU like the RTX 5080 and RTX 5070 Ti could be some of the first to hit the market. Leaks from Zotac and Acer last month claimed Nvidia was preparing to announce as many as five different RTX 50 series models, including the RTX 5090 and RTX 5080, as well as a more budget-friendly option in the 5070 Ti.
Adding more to this anticipation, VideoCardz also mentioned another leak of an RTX 5080 graphics card by MSI, which included 16GB of GDDR7 memory, a massive amount compared to the previous generations. These show that Nvidia might be preparing to announce next-generation graphics cards for better performance and efficiency, especially with the speculated inclusion of GDDR7 memory.
Meanwhile, what appears to be a confirmation that an announcement is imminent, Nvidia also scheduled its GeForce LAN 50 event from January 4th through January 6th. On January 6th at 9:30 PM ET, expect the CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, to make an announcement about the RTX 50 series in a keynote during CES 2025.
With the buzz surrounding these leaks, it’s clear the RTX 50 series is one of the most eagerly awaited releases in the world of gaming and graphics technology. Nvidia is about to make a big announcement.